- Inici
- Patrimoni i Modernisme
- Museus
- Can Barraquer - Museum of Sant Boi
Can Barraquer - Museum of Sant Boi
Can Barraquer Museum. The new museum, located in Can Barraquer, a house of s. XVII was the family home where Rafael Casanova lived in the last years of his life.
It is the headquarters of the Museo de Sant Boi.
Located on the first floor Can Barraquer, the exhibition summarizes the local history from the Iberian period to the present, through the Roman era, the Medieval Ages and the modern and contemporary eras.
The collection comes from archaeological excavations and individual donations. The route takes advantage of the spectacular archaeological concentration of entry to locate the visitor on a journey through time.
Rafael Casanova and his time. This historical exhibition located on the second floor focuses on the figure of "conseller en cap" principal political office of Barcelona, Rafael Casanova, and makes an interactive recreation of the defense of the city from its walls.
C. Pont, 7
08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat Barcelona
Sant Boi de Llobregat
- Visit by spaces: Museum of Sant Boi Can Barraquer: 2 € / Roman Baths: 1 € (temporarily closed) / Tower of Benviure: 1 €
Discounts: 50%: students, members of organizations and socio-cultural and professional associations.
Free admission: Every first Sunday of the month / Under 12s
Activities for summer camps
Classrooms for workshops
Educational offer for schools
Guided visits